Mercy / Outreach
The vision of our Mercy Ministry is not only to proclaim the Christian faith, but also to demonstrate it with action by lovingly serving the local community and doing all we can to meet its various needs.
The goal of all our local missions efforts is to be who we are (disciples of Jesus), where we are (our community) so that people may be restored to right relationship with God and all that sin has broken. We seek to accomplish this goal by:
Speaking the gospel: The most unique and eternal way to love others is to tell them how they can be reconciled to God.
Showing the gospel: The gospel creates compassion for others that compels us to relieve both their spiritual and physical suffering.
If you have a desire to join and serve, please speak to Deacon Marcelo Chan.
Serving Opportunities
Mon/Wed/Fri @4:30-5PM via WhatsApp
Join us as we read God's word with the residents at New Franklin Nursing Home. Volunteers are needed. Contact Deacon Jenny Whang if you're willing to help out!